Looking good, Steve.
I read recently, that the device would work much better if it were NOT constructed in a horizontal plane. Have you read or heard anything like that ??
I could do some searching, if that would benefit anyone 
What type fuel you using
Did it start on the Geet device, as well as run on it 
The photo's are NOT from my engine, but from another Dutch person who already made a Geet.
His photo's and info are so very specific, that anybody can replicate this and can save fuel.
I am going to replicate his work soon.
The fuel used is water and used motor oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, there is plenty of that, is it.....
Also used is saltwater with diesel.
Or diesel with petrol and water.
Most of the time, it is 80% water with 20% something else.
I seen somebody running this thing on COKE COLA and COFFEE

So, yes. Any help is usefull.