I can see that Stephen meyers was also using a dc bias .
He was also filtering his power somehow with those components of the impedance matching circuit and leaving behinh some sort of inductive ringing phenomena
I am just trying to grasp the patent while I finish up this pcb , it looks pretty different than Stans unipolar VIC thing .
So a dual 3 phase synchronized signal generator .... check
Common components small caps coils resistors ....check
stainless steel plates or tubes , neutral left and right .... uncheck , not yet
It all looks pretty basic but then again looks can be deceiving , then again I'm happy to be just messing around with small common components and just sticking to something simple for a change
Stepeh was using a sine wave , its less hard to get a signal going throught a transformer than a pulsed dc .
People have trouble transfering that pulsed dc to usable power .