Author Topic: Dutch government denies HHO technology  (Read 17981 times)

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Re: Dutch government denies HHO technology
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2009, 05:27:54 am »
Hey there Mina, so you are going to do the funding I need then?

I have nothing against your dreams Mina, but I'm sure you understand that there is only so much one can do with private fundings, fortunately for us the times are changing and even the oil companies are out there looking for new ways to get energy.
Also I have nothing against open source, the only problem I have with that is how that is going to bring food on the table for me and my family, are you going to pay for that too?

At some point you need to trust your government and universities, if not you lost before you even started.

What Stevie is doing now is good, I'm sure he need the funding to get moving too, I'm sure he need food on the table...

I like your dream Mina, I just can't eat a dream, I can't keep warm in the winter with your dream....

Mr H2inICE

Hi Browngass,

I realize that you think that I am a dreamer, but you had better hope my dreams come true for all our sakes.  In case you have forgotten, our entire planet is at stake here.  Global warming is for real.  It’s not just a political view anymore.  We are polluting ourselves to death and that is a fact.

You, just like my government and their “big oil” buddies, have made the mistake of putting money over the lives of people and in this case, you are playing with the lives of every man, woman and child that lives on this planet today.  What will you feed your dead family at the cemetery?  Because if you and people like you prevail, that is exactly where we are all headed.

This is what happens when you place profits and money above the lives of people.  You become obtuse.  You fail to see what “Big Oil” has been pushing our government to do which is to wage war over oil fields and call it “removing weapons of mass destruction”.

Sure the oil companies are looking for new energy technology…to buy it all up and hoard it so you and I can not use it instead of theirs.  Then when we finally run out of oil, they can hoard the new energy they have bought out previously and make us pay through the nose for it.  Certainly not the water fuel technology, though.  They will release an alternative energy solution that they can continue to profit from.  The problem with this scenario is that we will all be dead before we finally run out of oil and that is the only way they will release the new technology is if we run out first. (By-the-way...the oil industry offered Stanley Meyer $1 billion dollars cash to just sit on his invention and do NOTHING with it.  They sure are looking for new technology alright but not for us to use)

The energy providers control the entire world.  They are very good at propaganda as is evidenced by you!  They actually have you believing they have your best interests at heart while they have been gouging you right out in the open.  While you are trying to put food on the table, they are turning in and recording record profits for the last nine years now.  They are also responsible for our latest economic crisis.  Our situation has resulted from the gouging we have been receiving from the oil industry in the form of ridiculously high fuel prices.  When a business is gouged causing an increase in overhead which narrows their profit margins, they must pass this additional cost of doing business down to the consumer to compensate.  This means that artificially high fuel prices directly lead to the inflation of goods and services that most of us use on a daily basis.

In the city and state I live in, I can not choose another supplier for my household electrical supply.  There are ZERO others!  This means I pay their high prices or I start hooking up solar panels, basically.  They have the monopoly and it’s called, Southern California Edison. 

Please wake up and stop your daydreaming before you become another Stanley Meyer, Arie M. DeGeus, Edwin V. Gray, Rory Johnson, Eugene Mallove, Dr. Henry Puharich, Dr. Yull Brown, etc. which are no longer with us.  Unless you simply believe all these men just happened to die coincidentally on the verge of releasing their inventions on the open market after refusing to sell out to “Big Oil”. 

« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 07:59:37 am by mina »

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Re: Dutch government denies HHO technology
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2009, 06:22:34 am »
Hey Mina,

I don't think you are a dreamer, from the way you write I know you are...

The way you label someone trying to work within the legal systems tell me much about how you think, fortunately not all have to live under the US legal system, I know for a fact that the government in Netherlands have a more healthy view on renewable energy, in fact EU have funding programs for renewable energy.

"They are also responsible for our latest economic crisis." you say, that statement alone tell me that you have no idea of what drives the economy.

I support Stevie 100% on trying to work within the various funds that is available to him, it may even provide the needs he have some day to get third party confirmation, a product to the public AND food on the table....

Sorry to sidetrack Stevie, you can always remove this from your thread  ;)

Mr H2inICE

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Re: Dutch government denies HHO technology
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2009, 07:08:31 am »

You said; “The way you label someone trying to work within the legal systems tell me much about how you think

You have got to be kidding, right?  I said; “Open source efforts are the only way to go in this particular case”.  Since when has open source efforts been illegal?  Are open source efforts illegal in your country?

You completely skip over the destruction of our planet which will kill us ALL if we don’t work together and start sharing plans to run our cars and generators on water or some other clean form of energy.  Selfishness will get us nowhere.  Selfishness is partly to blame for why the technology isn’t already in place today.   

You said; “"They are also responsible for our latest economic crisis." you say, that statement alone tell me that you have no idea of what drives the economy.”

How could you not know that high fuel prices affect businesses and anybody who drives a vehicle that runs on gas to work?  Do you not realize that fuel prices at one point have almost tripled since 2001?  Never in history within such a short span of time has fuel more than doubled in price.  This has caused a domino affect that has inflated everything from foods (which need to be transported WITH FUEL) to paper, tires, (anything you can buy in a store) etc.  You have to be kidding me, right?

Just because I advocate open source efforts does not mean that nobody will make any money.  This technology will in fact open up vast amounts of jobs (to put food on the table) like retrofitting over 500 million cars or more to run on hydrogen. 

I thought the whole purpose of having a forum was to SHARE ideas and technology in order to help our fellow man.  What is the purpose of a forum where everybody hides everything from all the other members?  You don't need to post on a forum if you are going to be secretive and purposely withhold things.  You can do that offline.  How can we help each other by keeping all of our ideas selfishly to ourselves?  Is that what you want?


« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 08:37:59 am by mina »

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Re: Dutch government denies HHO technology
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2009, 09:57:12 am »
We can live without governments, oil, gas, diesel, money and much more.. These things are not normal in nature. Humans are not normal if we compare us to the natures way of life.
But we can not live without water. We are 75% Water and can easy take in other energies than food if we want to. Take a look at Jasmuheen among others high frequency souls.. Human body is a hybrid able to live on light energy but needs water.
Water is an energy carrier to other dimensions, so the power of water can not be denied by the governments of the future.
When we get to a higher level of understanding of the universe and life, we will be able to get free heat, free nutrition for our bodyes, and free transportation. We will even be free from the governments for all of us will be equal and we are not in need for controlling leaders.
They can deny whatever they want , but water will become a more important part of our future than at this moment.
I am now working on finding the spot between Current (amps) and Voltage in a water fuel cell, since Stanley said "voltage do in the matter of fact perform work"
Nobody ever dreamed of that, because there is so few dreamers left on this planet. The good thing is when a dreamer becomes an inventor, miracles may happen...

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Re: Dutch government denies HHO technology
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2009, 11:02:16 am »
@ Mina

I give the same explanation as you just did. Its all about oil dollars. However, i do think that the government will find new options to raise taxes, if this technology of waterfuel is breaking thru. Not on water, because that is impossible. But more like more on salary, road taxes, etc

@ BG

Thanks man. Well, i am talking with such investors, but it is very hard and nerfwrecking...

The story is that i think i can make this techno work. At the same time i have to eat and have to pay my mortgage, is it....
Time is even a  factor.
Like many of you, i am doing this water adventure in my evenings and part of the night.....
In day time i have a 50 hours job and i have 3 kids and a wife.
So, it only option is to find a sponsor, or investor.
Otherwise this project will continue the way its doing now.
The goal is still to run my car on water before the end of this year.
I am still on target, so to speak. ;)
I agree on sharing info , that why i have this forum.
On the otherhand, we see many holding back info. Thats reality. This is because some are using that shared info to get patents and try to become rich and shut us down.
But on the long run, they loose. The earth is now going down.
The ice on the North pole is almost gone. Give it 4 years and only thing left are pictures of what once was............

For me, is every mile in my car on water, 1 mile for the good.
Its not important if your car runs 100% on water. If we could run it for 50% on water.....
That would be something, guys! 50% less use of the multi billion costing oil industry
and 50% less POLUTION caused by that oil industry and 50% less from my own exhaust...


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Re: Dutch government denies HHO technology
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2009, 14:30:48 pm »
I believe a good idea is to start non profit clubs and invite "normal" people to build their own devices there, HHO cells with steam pressure boilers, electric generators etc, etc.

As soon as we have a concept to make an engien run on water the marketing will be done by the masses in non-profit builders clubs. That is how it must be done I believe, a company can easily be shut down by the government but a non-profit club with thousnads of members, that is hard to tackle...

I have high very high hopes for dry steam+HHO in combination with Leo Umila´s ionization reactor and then also laser LEDs. That should do the trick of self sustainability. We will soon see anyway. :P

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Re: Dutch government denies HHO technology
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2009, 02:37:33 am »
Hi steve
last year i got the same answer (our specialists ...) from a minster of my country however i didn't give up

I recently started talking with Cern physicists a german 70 years old one specially, we meet in italy and he heard about my theory for about 24 hours without stop and told me that never in his life he met anyone with my knowledge and that everything i was saying was completely right. :)

You should definitely find big investors that can support you, believe me, that would be the only way. And when you do find contact me ;)
if i found one i will contact you too...

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Re: Dutch government denies HHO technology
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2009, 17:01:47 pm »
Hi steve
I recently started talking with Cern physicists a german 70 years old one specially, we meet in italy and he heard about my theory for about 24 hours without stop and told me that never in his life he met anyone with my knowledge and that everything i was saying was completely right. :)
how would he know that you are right? did you present him the statements you made in your project section?