This is to Each and every member here on this forum. You had better listen, and listen to me well!
I do not post, I mostly post when I feel i need to.
A; When I Post, "I do it with respect."
B; Stanley A. Meyer ("IS") An inspiration to Each and every one of us!
C: Most of us build devices because we're inspired by him, Not everyone is here because of Stan Meyer.
D; This Forum is NOT a stanley meyer forum, Do not assume we are trying to replicate his work, Allthough -
You will find much of stans work here, and much talk about it.
E; If someone makes an hydrogen gas gun by Dedicating his Her hours, Even in they used Stan meyers Patents for a reference, and they succeeded, Stanley A. Meyer IS NOT TO BE CREDITED, It is the one that got it working that gets the credit! Stan Meyer Gave no Step By Step Instructions --
F: Do Not Attempt a Battle with me.
G;Do not Tell someone, For example, Aussie, That he was successful in replicating one of stans devices. THAT IS A DISCRIMINATION TO THE CREATOR.
Understanding, Aussie may choose not to share anything else with you, Instuctions Or videos, All because you had a comment of, "Nice to see your getting stans devices to work."
I do not blam aussie if he does not post, I'd be danged if i sit there and let you tell me my hours invested was to be credited to stan, I think Not!
BOTTOM LINE, It will not be tolorated here, You will credit the researcher the way they deserve to be credited or you will removed. I will not watch you sit there and say aussie got stans device working, Or any other member on this forum. NOW, if it was something of the VIC then that be diff, stan has his claim on that. Point is, not everything is stans mate.
When you work on something, and you get it working after investing many hours into your device, "INSPIRED" by stan, I will not allow someone to say you got stans device to work, I will have your back just as i have Aussies.
Here, at ionizationx, you will get the credit you deserve.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, If you feel i have affended you in any way shap or form, I havent. Take my advice and think before your next post, I am not targeting anybody. I'm sending a messege, Do what is right and stop making comments that dont relate.
If you want to show your ass after my post here, You are simply asking for a TON of trouble. I like each and every one of you right now, Lets keep it that way. Carry on, As we have learned an important Fact here.
End this right now! No more talk of it!
Now that this is cleared Up, Aussie, If you want to continue sharing what you started, Then please do, This is your thread, And you OWN THE RIGHT TO DELETE ANYTHING IN IT, EVEN THIS VERY POST.
Good Day