Author Topic: NOBODY LISTENS  (Read 21081 times)

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« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2009, 19:55:12 pm »
Nice try buddy....put em in context ;)
I'm not saying he BUILT the same exact thing


arcing through it to create atomic hydrogen ions and O3 (ozone)'s EXACTLY THE SAME

I am speaking about two different things buddy, FORM (as in what he built).....and FUNCTION (Creating charged ions of -Hydrogen and +O3...then using the +O3 to "bump down" the -Atomic Hydrogen spontaneously w/o the need to hit a metal!!!!!!

You like most people need to separate FORM from FUNCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two may be different in design....However, their FUNCTION is the same!!!

ANYWAY what are you guys' problems??.....I do believe you have NOT ONE THING to do with it....Aussepom is a grown *  man, if he feels I am doing him injustice for saying so...let him say it. Or, if I am wrong in assuming this is ionic flame...only he can like I said.....why?

All the lasers...the choke coils....etc are all meant to RAISE EFFICIENCY....Not very efficient to use an ARC as it's a dead short which means max amps flow....GET A CLUE
« Last Edit: July 14, 2009, 20:54:26 pm by Radiant_1 »

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« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2009, 20:55:51 pm »
The real problem I see here  "BUDDY",   is that any scientific  objectivity you may have once had,  has vaporized as a result of your sycophantic adoration of all things related to Meyer. 

Someone runs water mist through a plasma arc and you use it as an opportunity to canonize Mr. Meyer as a "genius" and offer it as "proof" of Meyer's theories which you declare (by fiat)  were never really theories at all, but irrefutable facts. 

How are you any different in regard to Meyer as some others are in regard to Faraday and Maxwell ?   

One must wonder if you are really interested in the science here  or in simply confirming  Mr. Meyer and his theories,  which in turn confirms  your own "genius" as  being one of the chosen few who CAN "see the forest through the trees"    and who is not like "most people" who are obviously blind and cannot tell the difference between form and function.   

It must be lonely there in the forest all by yourself.



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« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2009, 21:25:36 pm »
HMMM...what's the name of this site again? ??? ???

YET NONE OF YOU SEEM TO UNDERSTAND IONS....and, yet you claim I have no scientific objectivity....IGNORANT assumption. I have used MANY fields to UNIFY Meyer's system and explain it completely....u sir...need not address me because I have NO INTEREST IN ANYTHING YOU SAY....I will not state the obvious in this circumstance...if anyone finds any shred of ANYTHING in what you say...they deserve to believe u.

We'll see if Aussepom has anything to say about the similarities to Stan's injector...until then...keep stroking your e-peen if you wish.

P.S. It would seem you are the un-objective scientific seem to have let your Meyer failures canonize in your mind that it is much so that you seem to have forgotten all other scientific proofs that have been provided by many others.
I'm not saying Meyer invented Atomic Hydrogen...He was the first to get a car to run on have some Meyer issues buddy...and probably a Napoleon Complex too by the way you interact with people you feel are inferior to you...hope your 100k education hasn't left you jaded and confused.

My intelligence has nothing to do with the proofs provided...neither does it have to Meyer...after all, it's nothing's just a new application of existing KNOWN phenomena...I do have a gift...the gift of Mental Retention (aka Photographic memory)...I have ever since I was very young (probably has to do with my head being split open multiple times???)....see unlike you I realize that my KNOWLEDGE comes from the compiled works of others...I just remember what I read very well.

As for proving myself right...I already just don't know it yet, AND I DON'T CARE...
I believe we are doing this for completely different reasons (good luck with yours).......and, F.Y.I. no it's not lonely in the forest...
I'm never alone....I feel sorry for those who are.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2009, 21:52:07 pm by Radiant_1 »

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« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2009, 22:05:39 pm »
In the most pleasantly light hearted humorous way possible

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« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2009, 22:27:40 pm »
Please keep focus here.
Stop arguing on who is right and who is retarded.
At the end, we all want the same, is it.
Aussepom build a nice device. Lets learn from that. Not important if he was inspired by Stan or not. Fact is that he build a working device that works in a specific way with specific results.
Please try to make similair devices.
Maybe it really creates enough power to push a piston down, in stead of burning the piston into pieces.... ;)
Aussepom: Great work. We hope to hear soon more from you with more details.

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« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2009, 22:57:36 pm »
HMMM...what's the name of this site again? ??? ???

YET NONE OF YOU SEEM TO UNDERSTAND IONS....and, yet you claim I have no scientific objectivity....IGNORANT assumption. I have used MANY fields to UNIFY Meyer's system and explain it completely....u sir...need not address me because I have NO INTEREST IN ANYTHING YOU SAY....I will not state the obvious in this circumstance...if anyone finds any shred of ANYTHING in what you say...they deserve to believe u.

Original reply deleted in the spirit of Steve's last post.

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« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2009, 23:29:06 pm »
This is to Each and every member here on this forum. You had better listen, and listen to me well!

I do not post, I mostly post when I feel i need to.

A; When I Post, "I do it with respect."
B; Stanley A. Meyer ("IS") An inspiration to Each and every one of us!
C: Most of us build devices because we're inspired by him, Not everyone is here because of Stan Meyer.
D; This Forum is NOT a stanley meyer forum, Do not assume we are trying to replicate his work, Allthough -
You will find much of stans work here, and much talk about it.

E; If someone makes an hydrogen gas gun by Dedicating his Her hours, Even in they used Stan meyers Patents for a reference, and they succeeded, Stanley A. Meyer IS NOT TO BE CREDITED, It is the one that got it working that gets the credit! Stan Meyer Gave no Step By Step Instructions --


F: Do Not Attempt a Battle with me.

G;Do not Tell someone, For example, Aussie, That he was successful in replicating one of stans devices. THAT IS A DISCRIMINATION TO THE CREATOR.

Understanding, Aussie may choose not to share anything else with you, Instuctions Or videos, All because you had a comment of, "Nice to see your getting stans devices to work."

I do not blam aussie if he does not post, I'd be danged if i sit there and let you tell me my hours invested was to be credited to stan, I think Not!

BOTTOM LINE, It will not be tolorated here, You will credit the researcher the way they deserve to be credited or you will removed. I will not watch you sit there and say aussie got stans device working, Or any other member on this forum. NOW, if it was something of the VIC then that be diff, stan has his claim on that. Point is, not everything is stans mate.

When you work on something, and you get it working after investing many hours into your device, "INSPIRED" by stan, I will not allow someone to say you got stans device to work, I will have your back just as i have Aussies.

Here, at ionizationx, you will get the credit you deserve.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, If you feel i have affended you in any way shap or form, I havent. Take my advice and think before your next post, I am not targeting anybody. I'm sending a messege, Do what is right and stop making comments that dont relate.

If you want to show your ass after my post here, You are simply asking for a TON of trouble. I like each and every one of you right now, Lets keep it that way. Carry on, As we have learned an important Fact here.

End this right now! No more talk of it!

Now that this is cleared Up, Aussie, If you want to continue sharing what you started, Then please do, This is your thread, And you OWN THE RIGHT TO DELETE ANYTHING IN IT, EVEN THIS VERY POST.

Good Day

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« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2009, 23:39:16 pm »
Again, I am Making A DOUBLE POST.

I want this to be Real Clear, I have no hard feelings toward anyone here at all, Understand that. Everything is ok, Drop it. The important thing here is realize that other people have, Money, Time and effort in what they have for show and tell, For that, they do not deserve to be told that they got John Does device working, Its simply their work.

This will be the THIRD TIME i will repeat this. Do not cause a seen upon yourself, as everyone here is ok. We all learn together, Pick our selves up and carry on.

Good day