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« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2009, 00:28:34 am »
and this is why you need more inductance then capacitance?   a bifilar choke built to tesla's standards  allows you to slow current and up voltage.. but only works when it has more capacitance in the choke wire (parasitic) then the load (capacitors static load)? this keeps your driving tranformer from feeling like a dead short?

in other words does more inductance mean that the choke has a higher static area capacitance then the cell with parasitic capacitance in  the wires and bobbin..?

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« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2009, 03:07:02 am »
We're all inspired to get something to work, Not having the full details or instructions in front of us. We work on A Theory Basics with what we was given. If one finds he has to use several different components that was never on record or yet several instuctions missing, and it is found,, It was indeed because of the inspiration set forth in front of us.

It is not the inspiration that makes the machines, its the guy's that gets inspired By the Claims and cracks the code. They are the true creators, as the big claimers may have been a stick in the mud, or even fraudelent claimers.

If an inventer was to get the vic to work, you wouldn't start reading stans work to learn how it was cracked, you'd go to the guy that had it working, because he would be the only creator that holds the keys to the setup, It is he to be credited no matter where he got his inspiration from, You may learn several different components used by he, that was not given by the inspiror.

This water hobby doesn't have much going for it to date, its a wast of time, and money! When "One" Door gets cracked, the rest follows. When the technology starts to get cracked it will all get cracked at once becomming a great ruler in technology.  If one was to crack 1 claim, and understand it, The rest will follow quickly. And this will be the Mega technology of our futures. We can thank our Inspirors for drawing our interest, Even if stan was a fraud the inspiration he gives is amazing, For that his name will be in history forever, For the good. Perhaps one day his devices will be proven to work, Then you can say, Man, that was stans device down to a T.

To further inspire you, There is much of stans work being held back, By GREED. There's still boxes and boxes of stuff locked away. It must be worth MILLIONS "Greed." Just wait, and hope. Its there, One day it will either get destroyed or given away, We can only hope it winds up in our hands and not destroyed by weather and carlessness of storage.

You guy's should search around, Find out more. Everything you want to know that your eye's has never seen is still on paper, It goes beyond water technology, Go get it before its ink fades. If you spent as much time looking for stans unseen boxes of documents as you did researching and testing the devices, you would probably have already found them and Maybe even gained access to them.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 03:28:37 am by Warp »

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« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2009, 06:44:34 am »
Hi guy thanks for the support, my computer crashed, not all of it but my Browsers all crashed could not get on the internet, I will get back I have to dash.
back soon

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« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2009, 15:03:38 pm »
    Hi Guy's
 Sorry I had to dash forgot the time had to go to a funeral.
As I was saying I has a partial computer crash, but it only affected my browsers, it took awhile to figure out what to do, as the stacks of info on different places, and contacts.
I knew it would be stored some where so I could not use them until I found the file and saved it some where else.
In the meantime it seems you guy have been having a guessing game. Well it has taken me a while to 'skim' through the pages that has suddenly appeared, asking all sorts of things.
I will try and answer some if miss some I am sure you will ask again.
When I joined my local group here in Melbourne, I did not know what 'Hydroxcy' was, it was over two and a half years ago, after looking for an alternative power source, I saw some thing on TV.
There has been a lot of talk of Stan's injector' yes looked into that found out that in the 'form shown in the patent' that it had no way of working. 
Purach , not sure of the spelling, he had a better one, but that could not work either.
A friend of mine sent me a file on Langmuir, I read this with interest, and liked it.
I have worked with laser cutting machines, I use to help build them, mainly the electrical and electronic controls, build the boards and test the machines.
I have al ready had 12 years with Electrolysis, I even as most of you may know I have a proven technology for wastewater 'Electrowaste', that 'urine guy' is way behind me.
So to me that was not the way so, I looked for another.
When I started 'doodling'  Langmuir, was the main 'inspiration' for some of it, plus many years of experience in the heavy industry, fixing all sorts of machines.
It is well documented that if get water over 800D C it would start changing, and at close to 3,000deg C it will go into the 'forth state of matter'.
If metals melt at this temperature then how could you do it?
A plasma cutter and welder run on different types of power, depending on what you want to do.
 Now I am giving you some clues, there is an AC and a DC, you can not use a DC cutter to cut a 'non metallic material'.  This is the type you want, you can do what I did with the DC but you will not be able to do completely what I will later.
I did use a DC power supply from the plasma cutter, but it is NOT THE CORRET SUPPLY TO DO IT PROPERLY that is why I had some problems, but I hired it, to see if I could get some sort of 'reaction'.
It was a 'pilot arc' start, if any of you 'play around' do not use any other type. Most are HV touch start. THIS IS NO BLOODY GOOD AND COULD BE DANGERIOUS.
The out put of the power that I used was DC, Square wave, running some where between 10 and 20khz.
No load volts around 100V dc, my main problem with the 'small test unit' was I could not turn the power down enough, the minimum setting was around 15 to 20amps too much for the small unit, I have no control over the volts.
When this firers up the volts drop to around 70v  around 1050VA so from the mains calculated
Would be about 4amps, I had the clamp meter on but forgot to set it a peak hold.
So that was the power, I had to play around with the control switch, and the pilot arc control, so unless you know what you are doing, leave it.
 How ever what yo can do if you have the dollars go and buy a RF supply at 13.56mhz, again this is very powerful stuff YOU CAN GET HURT.
However in the mean time build a  SWMPS  power supply, use a push pull output, square wave a real good one, that can give you 20 to 30amps at 70 to 80volts on full load.
The 'test unit' as you could see had no way of lasting very long with standard PVC fitting for isolation, the tip was brass did not melt, it got bloody hot, mainly I could not turn down the power, and the water supply was coming from a small pump did not have enough pressure to get pass the mixing air.
I was mixing air with the water, I start with all air, in the outer shell, then slowly mix water.
 This is the only control that you will have if it works properly, there was only a few drops getting though, eventually you want all water.
Yes, the flame will melt tungsten, it did that's what happened with the prototype unit, you saw me pull a piece out, even the small unit will melt it.
The 'flame' could not be seen fully with the naked eye, the camera saw what I could not.
I saw the 'white' flare, to me this was Hydroxcy, the blue and the centre of that flame nearly white, well that’s something to get you started.
The main unit well there is a lot more to the workings, and technique to get it up and running properly, but you saw a glimmer of hope.
It is going to take a couple of weeks to get ready for the next test, funds are low.
What I can do and could share with you is how to build the small unit, and a more controlled power supply could keep it running for a longer time.
I will be building another to play with, but one that will not melt.
Well time for bed then work.

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« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2009, 16:42:37 pm »
Thank you for all this information Aussie. IT takes every bit of your money to do this, We all understand that.

You may be interested in stans water splitter. It's the same splitter that was spoke about in his video, The video that states that, There is no need for a fuel cell, "It only has a water splitter."

I have confirmed the water splitter to be an expansion valve, I've ran this question also across some good friends that was actually friends with stan, and they also told me it was an expansion valve as i suspected. What i have not researched is how stan got an actual Spark plug on the valve, It looks like he put the plug threw the valve. You can catch a glimps of this valve in his video, Its possible the valve was used for a low pressure chiller where the refrigerant was R718, also known as water.

Expansion means Expand. The valve simply Expands the water into an vapor right before the pistin. ;)

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« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2009, 22:42:58 pm »
Hi warp
              yes I have seen all Stans work, I find that 'all is not shown' that is why I said it can not work in the configuration as shown in the patent.

  If you heat up water in an enclosed pipe to over 374deg C then exhaust it to a low pressure area
via a 'suitable nozzle' that could be an expansion valve. you see to do this you have to maintain the pressure in the pipe so the the 'restrictor', nozel, or expansion valve, call it what you like, you have to keep the pressure of the water coming in at the same pressure with out letting in any 'air'
this is done in some submarines it is a closed system, the nuclear reactor heat the water in an enclose space up to 400deg, C, the pipes that go though the reactor are also a closed system, it is the water in the later pipes that heat up the water to make steam, then that drives the turbines, and that is also a closed system. it is 'expanded' into steam directly into the turbine, the low presure steam is condenced back to water to be reheated. all this is done in the same way a refirgerator works.
gee you got me going.
The piont being this 'Oz Injector' can work 'under water' and so could replace the nuclear reactor.
there are many other uses.
well I have to stop.


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« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2009, 05:39:46 am »
Thank you greatly Aussepom!!!!!
Now the speculation can end...and after the dust has settled we see that it is indeed Atomic Hydrogen. Stan may have left out certain parts...but, if you look at EVERY patent, each one has some more of the puzzle. Let it be known that I have not JUST read his "tech brief". In fact, I have read every Stan Meyer patent (including U.S., Canadian, and his Japanese one)...I have read Puriarch's patent, I have read another RF water splitting patent (can't find it now). I have Studied Langmuir's process and also testing his "lead amalgam process"...which is DC electrolysis of water using Lead amalgam electrode(s), which will create as he put it "Nascient Hydrogen" directly, no need for H.V. ionization.

Anyway...I am glad someone with the funds has finally stepped into the Atomic Hydrogen realm  ;D
I have dabbled in it and found the same as you...DC will create it (and Hydroxy)...but AC also heats the water more quickly at the same time (also, there seems to be a plasma diode effect..I believe it's a tunneling diode effect, but I have no way of testing right now)  ;)
See this video...
And then this one
When I made them all I could find similar to it were so called "Cold Fusion" experiments (which I now believe are all Atomic Hydrogen)

If you read Stan's patents very carefully you will find he uses a DC biased AC signal.
Also, if you know of Tesla's "cold plasma" (which he never patented, because he actually open sourced it for all) you will find that corona discharge will also Ionize atoms without heavy amp draw. Then if you study "Photoelectric effect" and "Photo-ionization" you will understand what both his LEDs and Hydrogen Laser were used for.
Then (lol)...If you read his patent on the injector you will see that the O3 from the ionized air acts as a "bump down" (or Electron Extraction Circuit) to recombine H1 to H2 spontaneously w/o melting your cylinder.

On a side note..."Plasmolysis", as an inventor who is currently running a water plug in Miami states..."...emits Soft X-rays"...aka Far UV. So be careful!  (The inventor cannot sell his plugs to anyone due to this radiation...but, because he worked at Nasa, and I believe Skunk Works...the U.S. government has decided he can do it....but, his name escapes me now....he's an Old man who wears a H2 baseball cap in his video/interview)

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« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2009, 06:20:24 am »
Stan doesn't use O3.