Hi Guy's
Sorry I had to dash forgot the time had to go to a funeral.
As I was saying I has a partial computer crash, but it only affected my browsers, it took awhile to figure out what to do, as the stacks of info on different places, and contacts.
I knew it would be stored some where so I could not use them until I found the file and saved it some where else.
In the meantime it seems you guy have been having a guessing game. Well it has taken me a while to 'skim' through the pages that has suddenly appeared, asking all sorts of things.
I will try and answer some if miss some I am sure you will ask again.
When I joined my local group here in Melbourne, I did not know what 'Hydroxcy' was, it was over two and a half years ago, after looking for an alternative power source, I saw some thing on TV.
There has been a lot of talk of Stan's injector' yes looked into that found out that in the 'form shown in the patent' that it had no way of working.
Purach , not sure of the spelling, he had a better one, but that could not work either.
A friend of mine sent me a file on Langmuir, I read this with interest, and liked it.
I have worked with laser cutting machines, I use to help build them, mainly the electrical and electronic controls, build the boards and test the machines.
I have al ready had 12 years with Electrolysis, I even as most of you may know I have a proven technology for wastewater 'Electrowaste', that 'urine guy' is way behind me.
So to me that was not the way so, I looked for another.
When I started 'doodling' Langmuir, was the main 'inspiration' for some of it, plus many years of experience in the heavy industry, fixing all sorts of machines.
It is well documented that if get water over 800D C it would start changing, and at close to 3,000deg C it will go into the 'forth state of matter'.
If metals melt at this temperature then how could you do it?
A plasma cutter and welder run on different types of power, depending on what you want to do.
Now I am giving you some clues, there is an AC and a DC, you can not use a DC cutter to cut a 'non metallic material'. This is the type you want, you can do what I did with the DC but you will not be able to do completely what I will later.
I did use a DC power supply from the plasma cutter, but it is NOT THE CORRET SUPPLY TO DO IT PROPERLY that is why I had some problems, but I hired it, to see if I could get some sort of 'reaction'.
It was a 'pilot arc' start, if any of you 'play around' do not use any other type. Most are HV touch start. THIS IS NO BLOODY GOOD AND COULD BE DANGERIOUS.
The out put of the power that I used was DC, Square wave, running some where between 10 and 20khz.
No load volts around 100V dc, my main problem with the 'small test unit' was I could not turn the power down enough, the minimum setting was around 15 to 20amps too much for the small unit, I have no control over the volts.
When this firers up the volts drop to around 70v around 1050VA so from the mains calculated
Would be about 4amps, I had the clamp meter on but forgot to set it a peak hold.
So that was the power, I had to play around with the control switch, and the pilot arc control, so unless you know what you are doing, leave it.
How ever what yo can do if you have the dollars go and buy a RF supply at 13.56mhz, again this is very powerful stuff YOU CAN GET HURT.
However in the mean time build a SWMPS power supply, use a push pull output, square wave a real good one, that can give you 20 to 30amps at 70 to 80volts on full load.
The 'test unit' as you could see had no way of lasting very long with standard PVC fitting for isolation, the tip was brass did not melt, it got bloody hot, mainly I could not turn down the power, and the water supply was coming from a small pump did not have enough pressure to get pass the mixing air.
I was mixing air with the water, I start with all air, in the outer shell, then slowly mix water.
This is the only control that you will have if it works properly, there was only a few drops getting though, eventually you want all water.
Yes, the flame will melt tungsten, it did that's what happened with the prototype unit, you saw me pull a piece out, even the small unit will melt it.
The 'flame' could not be seen fully with the naked eye, the camera saw what I could not.
I saw the 'white' flare, to me this was Hydroxcy, the blue and the centre of that flame nearly white, well that’s something to get you started.
The main unit well there is a lot more to the workings, and technique to get it up and running properly, but you saw a glimmer of hope.
It is going to take a couple of weeks to get ready for the next test, funds are low.
What I can do and could share with you is how to build the small unit, and a more controlled power supply could keep it running for a longer time.
I will be building another to play with, but one that will not melt.
Well time for bed then work.