Hi Danki
Well that is a debatable point, if in you mix the only ingredients, are water and a little air, the int would be steam, but not just steam, if water goes past super critical water, it is normally in a confined pipe or cylinder, and providing that there is no air in the water the pressure will be extremely high. if it is steam then at the temperature of 374deg C it be comes super critical steam, this to will be at a very high pressure, this pressure can be got from steam tables. How ever this is at low pressure and not confined, and then goes though a change of state due to the high temperature that it is passed though. this causes a very rapid expansion, and in creases the velocity, to me this then forces the water /air mix, into the 4th state of water, into plasma. as far as I know, above 700 deg C the water or steam whatever starts to changing, some where after 2,800degsC water/steam fully disassociates. if it is then in temperatures after 4,000deg C it starts going into a plasma. If water is fed into this it will continually 'burn' with little or no extra help.
I will not debate this or keep a whole lot of theories going, not on this thread, but this is the aim and object of the 'Oz Injector' to get it running in a steady state at this 'plasma' level.
I have shown that it is possible, many of the 'normal thinking engineers and others' will say different. The next thing is to try and get some calorific values and some more steady reliable stats.