Ok I am finished in my book , this is the best that and most efficient that can be done by me , I have researched it . I am simply using a classical audio amplifcation , a better working high voltage op amp good up to 100 mA and power pnp and npn pair (straight push pull ) wich have a gain of 50 . So w/e load we have our op will dish out load circuit/50 and mimic that voltage , the op amp is the limiting factor here and ofc good heat sinking will have to be done with transistor and op amp . This will require 2 or more batteries or perhaps an upgraded dual power supply , I'm thinking of bulding me a good power 24 volts high amps dual power supply ( maybe this wont work not sure still ) . The op amp I chose is good up to +-45 volts and has no drawbacks like the 4 amps power op lm675
It will include my very own super easy to use multi phase delay pwm , it is similar in function to the hex controller . This is not like regular pwm3board , you only choose the main freq with a pot and choose the phasing of f/2 and f/4 with 2 other pots , the phasing is locked to a small window , it adjusts itself according to the main frew , very intuitive , very easy to use the duty is a constant 50/50 tho (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif) .... Sorry , too hard to make it otherwise , would have lost the ease of use ...
my perfect 50/50 pulser , the word perfect is not there if not there for nothing , and if you wanna have control over the duty cycle of the main freq just use the wonderful free source jolt circuit ( not included ) wich is like an ideal lawton circuit without the bugs of 2 slave 555 . And hook it up to my perfect signal processing logic for an always smooth start and finish . Its up to you ...
And my pride and joy creation , this thing is quite a unique product , my dc powered solid state alternator wich will be good up to 20khz and good up to 5 amps/ 40 volts . This can be = to any number of alternator you want as much as you have the pnp npn power push-pull and some other slave op amps for driving them. So basicly once you have the driver circuit , you can add infinite numbers of alternators for about 5-10 $ , this is AC folks , you can run any transformer with this as long as the core material keeps up . Multiple alternator setups are perfectly synchro ofc and phases are locked to 120 degrees all the time . The frequency is controlled by any oscillator ( potentimeter ) or any VCO , for future upgrades ( (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/grin.gif) (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/grin.gif) (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/grin.gif) (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/grin.gif) ) , It can be amplitude modulated by simply moving the voltage level on a pot or a wave perhaps ?? (AM (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/grin.gif) (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/grin.gif) (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/grin.gif)) This is as close as it gets to the Xogen Black Box .It is the driver from the Hydroxy refilling patent .
To make this possible I am using state of the art adaptive filtering and 2 stages of post filtering to keep the sine wave as pure as possible across a wide frequency range ,. First , I lowpass this to take out oscillations from the chip . After that , I had to calculate matched high and low filters to counter my amplitude drop across the range , This gets done for each phase !!!!$^%$$$ This was done not only for the beauty of the wave but so you dont have to adjust the gain constantly , I am going over over my way to get this and over the limit and still getting as pure wave same amplitude across 50hz to 20 khz .When I say pure it is pure and 100% noise and transient free , across the whole range #$$%#@!!! This is all powered by DC analog components remember

This does not requires annoying pulleys and high watts/rpm motor . It is much less noisy and messy , I dont know much energy a motor takes to go to 3000 rpm with a 2-3 amp load but this has the same energy requirement at 50 hz and at 20000 hz . The only wasted energy is the energy waste by the transistor and heatsink to form that wave , so about 30% ... But no motor !!!
It will be the smartest buy of 2009 so save up that $ , let your imagination to the rest ... Tell wifey you want this for christmas lol ..
I am about ready , so who wants one ? Raise you hand so I know ehere I'm at , I will only sell once the pcb is there and working ofc .
anywhere from 300$ to 400$ , ofc if everybody here takes ones itll be less expensive to buy the dam components and less expensive for everybody . It could even go below 200$ . If I get like 100 orders or more ...
Can you say Plug and Play ??!!!