Author Topic: New project : replicating the Stephen Meyers driver  (Read 21937 times)

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Re: New project : replicating the Stephen Meyers driver
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2009, 02:38:45 am »
You guessed it , its harder than it looks to amplify those little waves to to big currents , there was some unexpected trouble with what I tought was gonna be a successful power amp stage . Once you get into higher amps its a whole different ball game than tiny currents .

But I have been getting lazy also with the pcb , delay wasnt all caused by this , you know me lol ... lazy Dankie ...

I have wasted much time trying to get this lm675 to work properly,  it requires special care to say the least . Everything has an effect , the lenght of wire , distance to ground . This op amp is so bitchy that it even effects my input signal for crying out loud , something that is unheard of by me as of yet . At first I tought I damaged it and ordered a new one but it was just like that .  I'm trying something new now , it was my own design and just bad . I'm working on a design that wasnt made by me now lol .

Here is the circuit I'll be testing lol . Pretty simple ...  Well see how this works and thatll be it  , needs a  reverse voltage diode maybe , seems like this will work .

I'll try this and see how reacts , keep you posted .

« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 04:31:43 am by Dankie »

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Re: New project : replicating the Stephen Meyers driver
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2009, 13:48:15 pm »
ok this thing has drawbacks

I need something with some feedback , or I need this lm675 to work , I'll just use this push pull with my power op amp and no resistor , the voltage will always be -0.7 whatever my power amp is at .

The push pull will just be there to assist the op amp .

Designing an amp stage when you know what load will be there is easy , I am dealing with an X value .

My goial here is to be able to transform this ac wave into higher voltages . As you may know dc pulsing is not great to transform , current has to change direction , this was the reason for the tesla edisson wars .

The problem with AC is that it is more difficult to generate , unles you have an AC motor , but those cant go higher than 3000 rpm .

xogen in the  video mentions a digital signal generator ... check ,

 and a driver stage ..... uncheck ... still working on it .... I wonder what he used , probably an amplifier stage with some feedback .

It is clear he used something similar to this , but what was in that little black box , that is the big mystery .

One thing is clear , there needs to be AC , there needs to be high frequency , and in my case , there needs to be phase synchronization .

Once I am done with this amplifier stage I will release it for anybody to use with their signal generators, I am confident that much progress will be done when people can use ac @ higher frequencies and higher voltages so we dont have to design an advanced and exotic pulse transformer.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 14:28:05 pm by Dankie »

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Re: New project : replicating the Stephen Meyers driver
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2009, 15:28:07 pm »

i have a feeling the driver for this unit is the vic.. go on the youtube xogen video and fast forward to exactly 6 min and 20 sec... he has 2 batteries, a box you can barley see to the left and 2 drivers.. the box you see to the left is the sig generator i beleave.. the 2 boxes sitting in front of the batteries would be the drivers.. notice the red cables that run from the battery dont go to the little box on the left.. they goto the 2 black boxes in front of the battery..the 2 black boxes (drivers) seem to have a weird top on them.. i dont know what to make of them yet.. with one sig gen being split  to 2 drivers and then the drivers are sending 2 red wires and 2 black wires to the cell...

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Re: New project : replicating the Stephen Meyers driver
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2009, 15:52:20 pm »

i have a feeling the driver for this unit is the vic.. go on the youtube xogen video and fast forward to exactly 6 min and 20 sec... he has 2 batteries, a box you can barley see to the left and 2 drivers.. the box you see to the left is the sig generator i beleave.. the 2 boxes sitting in front of the batteries would be the drivers.. notice the red cables that run from the battery dont go to the little box on the left.. they goto the 2 black boxes in front of the battery..the 2 black boxes (drivers) seem to have a weird top on them.. i dont know what to make of them yet.. with one sig gen being split  to 2 drivers and then the drivers are sending 2 red wires and 2 black wires to the cell...

I really dont think anything conclusive can be found by looking at the video .

I think Xogen has its own method .

 Already build audio transformers will work great for the frequency range I am interrested in .

The thing with the VIC is that it is expensive , also , A driver in electronics is a well defined word , it is usually amplification or transistors .

Would it have really changed anything if they mentionned a transformer ?

I think he is using the voltage from those batteries ,

the hydroxyl refilling patent is very open ended , first of all never mentions once what 3 phase powr supply he uses , it is a 3 phase current supply . He says that Higher voltage can be used for higher efficieny but mentions nothing more on how he achieves those . There is the impedance ringing circuit and the AC current source .

Logic would dictate that whatever process he used at 24 volts can be done at 120 or 200 volts if he says so himself .

« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 16:14:49 pm by Dankie »

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Re: New project : replicating the Stephen Meyers driver
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2009, 18:40:40 pm »
Ok this thing works , I am using a low power op amp and general purpose transsistors and it works .

The higher the voltage the less apparent the crossover distortion , at 12 volt its a bit ugly , I just remembered that we need DC offset right ? This is clearly done after when he seperates everything , hows its done I dont know , a simple 4.5 v battery can solve that tho ...

I dont know how this will react to a heavily reactive load tho , it should be fast enough to adjst its amperage . The load has a resistance or complex impedance at any given moment , but I think we are covered with todays technology with ns reaction time, this is actually pretty old stuff .

But I wonder if an isolation transformer or any other audio transformer will solve that issue totally .

I want the load to react absolutely normally and see this as wall plug basicly . I wanna immitate an alternators wave as best I can using digital means and an amplification stage .

After much research , I see that this is the most efficient that can be done , the crossover distortion can be ignored . Removing the distortion causes more power dissipated . This is gonna be it I think .
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 01:29:46 am by Dankie »

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Re: New project : replicating the Stephen Meyers driver
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2009, 20:18:45 pm »
somthin like using higher freq to make a low hertz signal right... like if you were using 100khz as the main signal then that 100khz has its own rise and fall time that resembles a low freq sine wave?

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Re: New project : replicating the Stephen Meyers driver
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2009, 23:14:54 pm »
Ok I am finished in my book , this is the best that and most efficient that can be done by me , I have researched it . I am simply using a classical audio amplifcation , a better working high voltage op amp good up to 100 mA and power pnp and npn pair (straight push pull ) wich have a gain of 50 . So w/e load we have our op will dish out load circuit/50 and mimic that voltage  , the op amp is the limiting factor here and ofc good heat sinking will have to be done with transistor and op amp . This will require 2 or more batteries or perhaps an upgraded dual power supply , I'm thinking of bulding me a good power 24 volts high amps dual power supply ( maybe this wont work not sure still ) . The op amp I chose is good up to +-45 volts and has no drawbacks like the 4 amps power op lm675

It will include my very own super easy to use multi phase delay pwm , it is similar in function to the hex controller . This is not like regular pwm3board , you only choose the main freq with a pot and choose the phasing of  f/2 and f/4 with 2 other pots , the phasing is locked to a small window , it adjusts itself according to the main frew , very intuitive , very easy to use the duty is a constant 50/50 tho ( .... Sorry , too hard to make it otherwise , would have lost the ease of use ...

my perfect 50/50 pulser , the word perfect is not there if not there for nothing , and if you wanna have control over the duty cycle of the main freq just use the wonderful free source jolt circuit ( not included ) wich is like an ideal lawton circuit without the bugs of 2 slave 555 . And hook it up to my perfect signal processing logic for an always smooth start and finish . Its up to you ...

And my pride and joy creation , this thing is quite a unique product , my dc powered solid state alternator wich will be good up to 20khz and good up to 5 amps/ 40 volts . This can be = to any number of alternator you want as much as you have the pnp npn power push-pull  and some other slave op amps for driving them. So basicly once you have the driver circuit , you can add infinite numbers of alternators for about 5-10 $  , this is AC folks , you can run any transformer with this as long as the core material keeps up . Multiple alternator setups are perfectly synchro ofc and phases are locked to 120 degrees all the time . The frequency is controlled by any oscillator ( potentimeter ) or any VCO , for future upgrades ( ( ( ( ( ) , It can be amplitude modulated by simply moving the voltage level on a pot or a wave perhaps ?? (AM ( ( ( This is as close as it gets to the Xogen Black Box .It is the driver from the Hydroxy refilling patent .

To make this possible I am using state of the art adaptive filtering and 2 stages of post filtering to keep the sine wave as pure as possible across a wide frequency range ,. First , I lowpass this to take out oscillations from the chip . After that , I had to calculate matched high and low filters to counter my amplitude drop across the range , This gets done for  each phase !!!!$^%$$$ This was done not only for the beauty of the wave but so you dont have to  adjust the gain constantly , I am going over over my way to get this and over the limit and still getting as pure wave same amplitude across 50hz to 20 khz .When I say pure it is pure and 100% noise and transient free , across the whole range #$$%#@!!! This is all powered by DC analog components remember  ;) .

This does not requires annoying pulleys and high watts/rpm motor . It is much less noisy and messy , I dont know much energy a motor takes to go to 3000 rpm with a 2-3 amp load but this has the same energy requirement at 50 hz and at 20000 hz . The only wasted energy is the energy waste by the transistor and heatsink to form that wave , so about 30% ... But no motor !!!

It will be the smartest buy of 2009 so save up that $ , let your imagination to the rest ... Tell wifey you want this for christmas lol ..

I am about ready , so who wants one ? Raise you hand so I know ehere I'm at , I will only sell once the pcb is there and working ofc .

anywhere from 300$ to 400$ , ofc if everybody here takes ones itll be less expensive to buy the dam components and less expensive for everybody . It could even go below 200$ . If I get like 100 orders or more ...

Can you say Plug and Play ??!!!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 01:49:04 am by Dankie »

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Re: New project : replicating the Stephen Meyers driver
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2009, 03:28:55 am »
Ok I trust most of you will save up a few $ and wait for further testing , those that were interrested are you still here , for 350$ more or less .

I am confident every experimenter will simply adore working with this tool .