for every action (performing work) on earth there is 3 possible paths into the furtue..over unity, no unity, and under unity.... us humans only task in the 3rd dimension as action..... so we people can be determined as to which path we lead from our results in time..
there are 3 ways (paths)
people create work which is action... weather your chillen by the pool or washing dishes your allways performing work... whether your doing it on your natural biological level(heart pumping blood) or on the physical change level of our world... there are only 3 actions that can be performed in our relativity.. good neutral and evil... action is nothing more then the path your are following.. for action to happen you must also be traveling in a direction.. that direction is toward the future... so the 3 actions can lead you down 3 different paths... one to heaven, one to no where, and one to hell.
you have the positive people which are compassionate for life and they are the ones in charge of leading the worlds mass population to higher gains down the path of god....
you have the neutral people, which are the ignorant and or lost...they cant keep up with the truth and tend to lean which way seems appealing in life.. they tend to only view life in a 2-d perspective. they also tend to appear fake since they seem mindless and caught in a box
then you have the negative. people which are the careless destructive evil.. they only focus on self gains and ignore all relative problems that don't pertain to their personal gains.. they lead the mass down the path of hell and destruction...
my point is what if heaven was hell and vice versa and its right here on earth.. i would say we have had negative in charge for to long and its time to head back to gods path... so this is how i see it.. every action on earth can fall into those 3 types of results determined by time and the path taken.. so wheres the missing link in recovering control for gods gains? a good kill and a bad kill. kills are a sure way to rid of un wanted actions... the rule thou shall not judge only pertains to the unseen action.. you damn sure have the right to judge evil actions. the negative has been sending the neutrals out and killing them by the dozens in war... these kills are for personal gains not gains by god... so therefore all the kills going on are bad kills.... you tell me where can i find some good kills lol.