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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2009, 11:39:05 am »

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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2009, 20:31:31 pm »

Thanks both of you. Interesting reading. I'm stuck waiting for my enamel to dry at the moment. Its rained everyday for the last 2 weeks so the humidity is like 100% I think it will take 4 days for my wfc to dry at this rate.

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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #34 on: May 25, 2009, 20:56:25 pm »

How did you get such a high resistance cell , are you using pure lab water ???

I’m actually using condensation from my portable a/c.  Think of it as distilled by Mother Nature ;-)  I also us it to re-fill my solar battery bank in addition to my WFC source of water.

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VIC and WFC Project Let the seasoning begin
« Reply #35 on: May 26, 2009, 13:25:56 pm »
  Thanks for the feed back based on some of your comments.  I now have 1 enamel coated wfc tube and one clean.  Today I'm leaving the unit on 24x7 to see if I can season the uncoated pipes.  They are producing a small amount of gas at the moment. I have everything truned way down since this will be running unattend much of the time.  Does anyone know how long the seasoning process should take?  If not I'll start counting for future reference.


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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #36 on: May 26, 2009, 15:30:50 pm »
Yeah Burnt , let the wfc season begin  :D

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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2009, 02:59:03 am »
Hi all,

I'm back. I last left off with my VIC bubbling away slowly.  Well after much time no change in gas output.  I'm not surprised.   So I took sometime off and did some reading on Resonant Circuits.  I've purchased and read many books on the topic.  (IMHO) By far the best book all around for this topic and many others is the "ALL New Electronics Self - Teaching Guide” If you are like I was and not following all of Stan's math pertaining to the VIC I'd highly recommend it.  Good examples and lots of practice problems with answers. The ISBN is 978-0-470-28961-7.

After reading the book and now understanding what I'm trying to achieve looks like my current component Rf is either 1.1 KHz or 81 Hz.  What's the big difference you ask?  Well when I measure my WFC's capacitance with my AMPROBE 37XR-A it never produces truly steady reading but indicate around .65 uF.  This with my total Inductor inductance of 5.88H for the Bifilar yields a Rf = 81Hz.  When I now calculate the capacitance using Cf=KEoA/d I get 3.49E3 pF which with the same Bifilar yields 1110Hz.
If I bring the frequency down that low I have to back the input voltage way down as the current on the primary rises rapidly.   So what’s next?  I think I'm going to remove the WFC and just work on achiving a good resonance signal will a regular capacitor with a known value.

Thanks again,