Author Topic: VIC and WFC Project  (Read 24869 times)

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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2009, 13:06:22 pm »
No problem Donaldwcf

I purchased the counter on ebay

The box I mounted it in is from radio shack

Switch mounted on lathe is part from a microwave I bought from walmart for $50.00 bucks.  I bought the microwave for the transformer and other parts.  Buying the parts seprate were twice as much as the microwave.  ge700 watt

Important Lathe winding tips I've figured out at breaking a few wires
I wind at 80 rmp.
Note:  I hand turn the lathe for the first 5 turns after moving to the next gap
Also I release the belt drive before starting the lathe this allows a gradual pick up in speed less chance of breaking wire.
Wire step up is important also.
I had made a custom bracket mounted on the Lathe however this proved to be too close and didn't work as I intendend. When winding the spools tendend to bounce.
I then moved the spools about 6 feet way from the Lathe mounted them on a ladder.  This is working well the distance allows the feed to go much smoother.  Also I had to add a slight tensioner to the smaller spools to keep the bifilar wraps the same tightness.  First try one gap filled before the others as the wire tension was less on the smaller spool.
Tape each completed gap off trust me.

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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2009, 13:50:50 pm »
thanks for the tips

one of the lathes goes 54 rpm at the slowest, i was thinking i would start there, but now I am thinking i should use the other one which has a clutch for a smoother start, and i guess practicing with copper wire would be cheaper than the stainless steel wire... i can't afford to make any mistakes with that wire

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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2009, 17:24:51 pm »
Dont worry about the wire Burntwire  .

If you run and because you broke too much , I'll just send you another 1/2 free of charge .

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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2009, 19:37:53 pm »
Dont worry about the wire Burntwire  .

If you run and because you broke too much , I'll just send you another 1/2 free of charge .

Deal  ;D

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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2009, 02:07:34 am »
Nice to have the site back up Thanks Steve.
Well good new and bad news
Good news first
Icompleted the bifilar and primary last week
I completed the seconday last night

Good news
Secondary measured out at 1.98kOhms 6,300 turns 36 AWG
Primary around 2 Ohms
Bifilar leg a 0.396 kOhms

Bad News
Bifilar leg b open circuit
After double and triple checking my connections I just unwound the Primary & Bifilars.
Bifilar leg b broke on the third gap  :-[
So I'll try again

More to come.


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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2009, 05:27:45 am »
I sent your 430FR wire Thursday.  I have built this coil and figured out how to balance the inductance in it.  When you wind the stainless steel the mass of your core changes and so does the math for figuring the inductance of the copper secondary and primary inductance.  I don’t know how to adjust the math but I did balance it through trial and error.  My coil is small as I designed it around an available ferrite core. I have 14 ea .0625 wide segments on the chokes and secondary bobbins.  I wound 160 x 2 wraps in each segment for my chokes.  It should have worked out to be 160 wraps for each segment of my secondary but that wasn’t working on my inductance meter.  After adjusting the math for the 5th time I hit the balance.  It took 165 wraps to get only be a few mh off.  I then used the 165 wraps for my primary.  This gives me a 14:1 ratio step-up.  What I wanted to do was have the same inductance in the primary as in each segment of the chokes and secondary and I ended up getting it very close.  I hope this helps you in your wind.  You need to connect both ends of your secondary to the chokes without a diode to read the inductance on each choke and the secondary.  I got this one to balance and you can too.     

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Re: VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2009, 16:04:40 pm »
Johnbostcik, Thanks for shipping I can't wait! ;-)
Very nice VIC by the way. Have you powered it up yet and looked at the wave forms yet?
I have a question on the Wrap of your chokes. 
You say "160 x 2 wraps in each segment for my chokes. " Do you have each choke in a seprate segment as Dankie mentions? Or each choke sharing the same gap?

Balancing Measurements.
"having the same inductance in the primary as in each segment of the chokes and secondary "
I understand removing the diode. I'll assume this is measure at the point where the WFC would be?

Based on this reading you adjust the winding you primary to match that.  Very cool

I'm currently at total of 6,300 wraps 330 per gap on my secondary
150 wraps on the primary 42:1 ratio


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VIC and WFC Project
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2009, 03:08:27 am »
Update May 23rd

Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Core the way to go for Bifilar Chokes. This is a re-post to a reply I made in another thread, however I want to keep my work together.  Getting bubbles with the below configurations using pure water. WFC messured at 230kOhms
5 to 13 milli amps through the WFC

Using the same bobbin with 300 turns per gap (pic 4) of my bifilar yeilded the following Henry readings
                     0.076 H leg 1
                     0.075 H leg 2
   0.152 H leg 1
   0.150 H leg 2
   2.954 H leg 1
   2.933 H leg 2

Now the interesting findings 
Check out the following signal pictures.
Input Voltage 12Volts
Freq. 4.9 KHz

Bifilar hooked up with full lenght of both legs

Result:   Normal frequency double and some voltage gain
60Volts p2p with 1.94 A on primary

Pic 2 (Tap2)

Bifilar hooked up with full length of leg one (as Stan shows) and leg two exiting on the last tap of the second leg.  Effectively shortens the second coil by 600 turns.

Weird frequency Massive first Voltage spike
2nd and 3rd Pulse much smaller
622 Volts p2p with 0.49 A on Primary
Voltage gain is great in terms of peak to peak differental however I’m not getting the steping yet with hooked up to the WFC.  Readings are fairly stable at 1kv

Pic 3 (Tap 1)
Bifilar hooked up with full length of leg one (as Stan shows) and leg two exiting on the second to last tap of the second leg.  Effectively shortens the second coil by 300 turns.

Weird frequency another Massive first Voltage spike then a bunch of little spikes until the next pulse

578 Volts p2p with 0.32 A on Primary

Thoughts welcome on the wave forms.