yea i dono too much about it, do you? i'm trying to learn what they are all about because i see some similarities
Well, the balun is for matching impedance differences.
Its used in HF techniques for matching antenna's. That way you get an optimum in power transfer between transmitter and antenna.
If you do not match the 2 components, no power will be transmitted into the air and yr powertransistor will heat up, because it cannot deliver his power.
The resonance charging chokes are mostly for powersupplys. With a resonance charging choke, you can use a smaller transformer.
The chargin choke and diode, are setup in a way that it will deliver max twice the voltage as the powersupply can deliver.
Have a look at the this website.
Richie is very clear in his explanation. But there are others on the web also explaning the same fenomenon.