Stanley Meyer > Stanley Meyer

Stan Meyer: What is high voltage in the hydrogen and oxygen generator

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--- Quote from: WaytoGo on May 01, 2009, 20:31:18 pm ---Yes, this is a big question.

I heard Stan says in a video the wfc operates on 0 - 2000 Volts,

I have also read that you need at least 1500 Volts to start the molecular ringing.

Kilovolt and milliamp pulses with twenty thousand cycles across the excitors is said to shake the molecules apart.

The alternator could have been used as a "hertz machine" and combined with a pulse circuit it may reach 20.000 Hz

He says he is doing the exactly opposite of the electrolysis proses.

Maybe he was taking OUT electrons so the water molecule collapsed?..

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Thats an interesting question. How to extract electrons from water, without the molecules being aligned?
For sure, there is always an potential of voltage in water, but the current is pretty low.
The hydrogen atoms are always swapping oxygen atoms, so electrons must be floating as well time from time.
So, a pulsing circuit with an electron consuming device attached to electrodes would do the job, i ll guess.
Anybody any suggestions?



--- Quote from: stevie1001 on May 01, 2009, 20:52:26 pm ---
--- Quote from: WaytoGo on May 01, 2009, 20:31:18 pm ---Yes, this is a big question.

I heard Stan says in a video the wfc operates on 0 - 2000 Volts,

I have also read that you need at least 1500 Volts to start the molecular ringing.

Kilovolt and milliamp pulses with twenty thousand cycles across the excitors is said to shake the molecules apart.

The alternator could have been used as a "hertz machine" and combined with a pulse circuit it may reach 20.000 Hz

He says he is doing the exactly opposite of the electrolysis proses.

Maybe he was taking OUT electrons so the water molecule collapsed?..

--- End quote ---

Thats an interesting question. How to extract electrons from water, without the molecules being aligned?
For sure, there is always an potential of voltage in water, but the current is pretty low.
The hydrogen atoms are always swapping oxygen atoms, so electrons must be floating as well time from time.
So, a pulsing circuit with an electron consuming device attached to electrodes would do the job, i ll guess.
Anybody any suggestions?


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Does the EEC have a diode , I dont remember ...

The electrons were taken out of h2o but not extracted from the wfc, it contributes to further dissociation by colliding with other h2o and / or forming h2 and o2. I think this can be called ionization by collision.
If I remember correctly, in the NZ lecture he said an EEC on the wfc was not recommended.

The free floating electrons are used to create o2 and h2 from the single atoms, and to dissociate h2o like regular electrolysis:

--- Quote ---The liberated and moving atoms (having missing electrons) regain or capture the free floating
electrons once applied voltage is switched-off during pulsing operations.

Subjecting or exposing the water molecule to even higher voltage levels causes the liberated atoms to
go into a "state" of gas ionization.
Each liberated atom taking-on its own "net" electrical charge.

The ionized atoms along with free floating negative charged electrons are, now, deflected (pulsing electrical
voltage fields of opposite polarity) through the  Electrical Polarization Process … imparting or
superimposing a second physical-force (particle-impact) unto the electrically charged water bath. (electrolysis by reaction of e- with h2o)
Oscillation (back and forth movement) of electrically charged particles by way of voltage deflection is
hereinafter called "Resonant Action", as illustrated in Figure (1-10).

Applied together, electrical forces (TT') and (UU'), now, causes these moving electrically charged particles to
superimpose a physical impact unto electrical polarization process (160), as shown in (170) of Figure (3-
25) ... thereby, increasing gas-yield (88) still further.

--- End quote ---

Okay, Alan you have a good point, but if the electrons was taken out of the water and not the wfc... was a separate water container used for this purpose?..

--- Quote from: Alan on May 02, 2009, 13:23:38 pm ---The electrons were taken out of h2o but not extracted from the wfc

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Anyway i tested a cell with PDC and a LED as a "amp consuming device".. only five or six volts.. i am glad i did, cell was completely steady with no amp climbing on the multimeter. ( when i took off the LED the amp where climbing slow up.
Have also tyred AC and it is making extremely amounts of Hydrogen/ Oxygen from ca 180 Volt and up, but water is getting hot after a while and that is not what Stanley did..
So AC or DC or PDC is making more or less heat if you make a lot of gas in straight clean tapwater whatever you do.
But i found an "scientific article" sometime ago and wrote something important down : "Much heat is released when hydrogene and oxygen recombine to form water."
Aha, so this is where the heat is coming from..I believed it was coming from the amps.. How did Stan keep the gasses apart in the wfc so he could build up the pressure and keep it "cold"?.. Even if he used no amps, he must have had solved the problem with recombining. Do LED`s solve this problem? can`t see any LED in his demo cell. I have tested with LED`s but that was for making more gas and i didn't see any improvement, but LED`s used to hold the gasses apart have i not tested yet. But i have found out that LED`s working on AC with up to double voltage...the light is pulsing a bit if you look close...don`t know how long they will last on AC.

The closest to no voltage loss in a cell is with AC so far.


--- Quote from: WaytoGo on May 04, 2009, 20:49:53 pm ---Okay, Alan you have a good point, but if the electrons was taken out of the water and not the wfc... was a separate water container used for this purpose?..

--- Quote from: Alan on May 02, 2009, 13:23:38 pm ---The electrons were taken out of h2o but not extracted from the wfc

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Anyway i tested a cell with PDC and a LED as a "amp consuming device".. only five or six volts.. i am glad i did, cell was completely steady with no amp climbing on the multimeter. ( when i took off the LED the amp where climbing slow up.

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Hello Alan,
i'd like to know how you connected the led to your cell.
I would do it with a grid mesh of ss in the water, in series with a led to ground. how did you do it?


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