Author Topic: Impedance Matching  (Read 41667 times)

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Re: Impedance Matching
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2009, 08:10:46 am »
haithar.....i have calculated still doesn't make a difference......something is still not right.

trust me i have tried a wide variety of approaches.

this is how john has it wound....bifilar windings in seperate sections as in this figure.


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Re: Impedance Matching
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2009, 19:18:19 pm »
Because you fried your coil duh ...

Now you have to re-wind those chokes

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Re: Impedance Matching
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2009, 11:49:18 am »
i have talked with Dr. William Gerard Hurley......the reason why my signal and power are not being dumped into the cell is becuase the coil and wfc are not matched.......stephen meyer has spoken about impedance matching.......

so this is a section dedicated to impedance matching between the coil and wfc.
I think you want all your power dumped into the chokes _only_, as a result all power gets converted to magnetic energy, induced voltage becomes highest and will be seen by the open circuit cell.
I still believe the frequency you want must result in a max choke imp. and min cell imp. (contrary to what you'd thnk by reading the first sntence)

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Re: Impedance Matching
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2009, 00:56:33 am »
i know i always go back and forth between Xl>Xc and XL=XC.....but here is this......why does meyers use the resonant frequency equation in the intro to the tech brief....that only means XC=XL!!!

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Re: Impedance Matching
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2009, 02:58:33 am »
Kinesis why are you so lost .

Theres no way those 2 can ever be matched .

And theres no way the impedance between the coil and cell can ever me matched .

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Re: Impedance Matching
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2009, 03:00:55 am »
if Xc = Xl then Xc-Xl is zero, so Z series is zero so in the ohms law equation...

Vt = I*Z

Vt = I*(zero)

... or realistically, Z series "approaches" zero (as related to limits in calculus)

... thus I must "approach" infinity as Z approaches zero to maintain any sort of voltage

series LC resonance will yield maximum current and low voltage

what we really want is parallel LC (or RLC) resonance...

in parallel LC resonance you get maximum current impedance, and infinite voltage.

Look at the VIC matrix circuit, you will see the self capacitance of the resonance charging chokes are in parallel with the inductance giving you a parallel RLC circuit

Note that the capacitance of the resonant cavity has to be small otherwise it would get in the way of the parallel resonance because the resonant cavity is in series!

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Re: Impedance Matching
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2009, 03:28:08 am »
donald i have been where you are now in parallel and series but i have realized that it is not the case here.....we want maximum magnetic field inside our coil.....maximum magnetic field produces maximum output and holds current in fact we are looking at series resonance....maximum current flow into our coil maximum energy output and current held back......that jump in current does not pump into the is held in the coil and coil only due to wire materials and magnetic field.

and since xc-xl=0 then this is exactly what stan is doing stan got 40,000 kv from this coil with a 12 volt input......12 volts divided by 11,600 ohms equals .001 amps and if we started with an input of 12 volts at 3.3 amps totaling 40 watts....the conversion while maintaining our 40 watts would yield 40,000 volts at .001 amps.....everything does add up.

so it is ok for XC=XL.......then Z=R.....and mathematically that is exactly what stan was doing.....or else we would be getting different numbers rather then 40,000 at .001 amps.

sticking to the papers and info.....and your an idiot dankie.....quote: "there is no way those two can ever be matched" about you learn how old radios work.....a frequency can match any inductor capacitor combination.....HENCE RESONANT FREQUENCY.....oh please.....EQ 4......THAT SAYS THEY CAN BE are most likely haven't even finished your physics classes yet....ugh.....

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Re: Impedance Matching
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2009, 04:04:44 am »
hmm, also makes sense...

ok, dream with me for a minute here, what would happen if you hit the parallel resonance and the series resonance at the same time?

(if the self capacitance of the coil was the same as the capacitance of the resonant cavity?)

would that even work, or is that an impossible idea, i have no idea what would even happen, maybe it would send maximum current into the chokes and maximum voltage out of them, to the cell